Kickstarting 'RECIRCLE'

At The R Collective, we aim to redefine circularity and consumerism by supporting revolutionary change. With our RECIRCLE capsule, we are changing the path of fashion for the better.

Our company's core messaging has been manifested into our RECIRCLE capsule, bringing to light how far our efforts in re-imagining waste have brought us. The potential of this sustainable solution is truly exciting and one that we strive to inspire others to invest in a world-changing circular fashion system that eliminates waste and capitalises on our global resources.

We aim to give consumers the tools to purchase critically - providing actionable means for empowering people and the planet. 

RECIRCLE is a collaborative industry-first. Our mission to drive circular fashion has resulted in an innovative new process of recycling stunningly high-quality IP-sensitive materials through collaboration and partnerships.

IP-sensitive silk fabrics are routinely incinerated due to their highly sensitive branding and patterns from a global leading luxury brand. With RECIRCLE, we rescue such luxury IP-sensitive fabrics, keeping them out of incinerators. With the help of our recycling innovation partners and High Fashion Group, these previously unwanted fabrics are transformed into stunning 100% recycled silk yarn knit capsules.

High Fashion Group's core values directly align with our own regarding collaboration, which truly speaks for themselves about our ongoing partnership.

This breakthrough recycling silk process was made possible with the partnership of High Fashion Group - China's leading modern silk enterprise; embracing sustainability and innovation to put waste streams back into wardrobes.

Recircle Designer Grace Lant 

Designed by an award-winning sustainable designer Grace Lant, who brought our exciting new textile to life: a 100% recycled silk knit fabric created from excess IP sensitive waste materials. Grace Lant is no stranger to bold ideas and acclaim! As a former #RDA2020 contestant, Grace wowed the judges with her zero-waste collection bursting with clever upcycling techniques and transparent production strategies. We're fans!

Read an exclusive interview with Grace Lant here.

With RECIRCLE, we are delivering innovative, real solutions in a market crying out for reform. 

We aim to give consumers the tools to purchase critically - providing actionable means for empowering people and the planet. 

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